Micah Tyler Joins Takamine Family
Micah Tyler Joins Takamine Family

Musical Director and mutual friend Edgar Struble had been working on a film with singer-songwriter Micah Tyler and felt strongly that the worship leader from Buna, Texas should be on our radar. Micah was already well known within the Christian/Gospel community for his soulful musicality, pointed humor and occasionally secular approach to delivering ministerial messages. Micah’s most recent video, "Gotta Love Millennials", a brilliant take on our latest generation of adults (to the tune of the Beatles "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da") had just gone viral, and one click showed us exactly why Micah Tyler is a talent to be reckoned with - in any genre, anywhere. And although there is zero guitar in this killer acapella performance, we were hooked all the same.
But acoustic guitar is key to Micah’s ministry as he travels over 200 days a year playing venues of all sizes, including churches, concert venues, camps, retreats, coffee shops, and private house concerts. A natural sounding, dependable acoustic-electric is a must. So Micah asked Edgar about Takamine. We thought the NEX sunburst model P6N with “Cool Tube” preamp might be a good fit, and sent one for him to try. Micah’s test drive of the P6N involved three solo-acoustic services of 3,600 people in a Dallas megachurch. “This guitar is amazing,” reported Micah. “It filled the room all by itself.”
For a taste of his more serious side (and cool playing) give a listen to Micah’s "Wretch No More" below from his most recent album Kitchen Sink. Takamine is proud of our new association with Micah. For more information on this great artist, go to micahtyler.com.